Swedish Publications

ACADEMIC ..essays, theses, etc..
academic publication placeholder image Syvantar, Hemindustrin kring syvantarna i Kinds härad 1884-1893 / Kristina Risenfors (2006) (Sewn mitterns, Home industry regarding sewn mittens in Kind härad 1884-1893)
27 + 5 addendum pages. B level essay, History B 2005/2006, the institution for social sciences, Karlstad University
BOOKS/LEAFLETS ..general info/stitch focus etc, may contain pattern(s)..
Gamla tekniker med enkla redskap, 1978 Gamla tekniker i enkla redskap
- en kulturhistorisk skiss i gamla slöjdtekniker

/Gertrud Ingers & Viola Westerberg (1978)
ISBN: 79-0313-3

= Old techniques with simple tools - a cultural historic outline of old crafting techniques

Stapled book. Contains instructions for a number of handicraft techniques, including needlebinding. At least three editions available, but only the third from 1978 has needlebinding content. Worked out and approved by SKS (Sveriges Kyrkliga Studieförbund = Swedish nowdays part of numera del av Sensus studieförbund = Sensus studyassociation) as a studyguide and studycircle with the subject classification “Kulturhistoria” (Cultural history).
More info coming!
Lär dig nålbindning
/ Helga Steffensen (1976)
ISBN: 9146127062

= Learn Nålbinding

56 pages, stapled. Swedish version of the Danish publication Nålebinding, by the same author. Contains brief history and pattern descriptions for mittens, hats and decorative eelements. So should also show how to nedlebind 5 simpler and flat stitches (that have not been named?) when not using thumb loops. *
Nålbindning : krokning och smygmaskvirkning
/ Berit Westman (1983)
ISBN: 9172608056

= Nålbinding : hooking and slip stitch crochet

Leaflet, 16 pages. Contains introduction to several textiles techniques, including needlebinding. Photo: Erik Westman.

NB! More info wanted – please contact me if you have this publication!
Nålbindning - 12 varianter
/ Berit Westman (1995)
ISBN: 9197055034

= Nålbinding - 12 variants

24 pages, leaflet. Contains brief history about nålbinding. Describes 12 nålbinding stitch types, labelled A to L, step by step descriptions on how to make a mitten, with start from the cuff and at the top, sock from the toe and cuff, as well as pattern descriptions and fulling info. Pattern descriptions för mittens and socks, as well as how to make ones own pattern template. Brief info about the Swedish find the Åsle mitten [NB: the dating of this mitten is not correct in the text, but was not properly dated until 2002, see below: Att datera textilier, in the Misc section for more info]. See LIBRIS info here.

Note that there is a more condensed leaflet from 1995 that is based on this leaflet: Nålbindning. There is also a reworked leaflet based on this 1983 leaflet, with the same name from 2001. See below, for both editions!
Gamla textila tekniker i ull
/ Kerstin Gustafsson (1990) ISBN: 9127345025 / EAN: 9789127345027

..also available in English as..
Old textile techniques in wool

116 pages, hardback. Contains many different techniques including needlebinding. Has instructions for how to start needlebinding, join yarn etc and a number of stitchtypes. There is also an older version of this book from 1988, with ISBN 9136027030.

..more info coming!
/ Berit Westman (1995)
ISBN: 9197055034

= Nålbinding

12 pages, leaflet. Seems to have been sent out to at least one university as an example of “some technique leaflets that maybe your students can enjoy” and that one could order more copies of. Compressed version of the leaflet Nålbinding – 12 varianter [Nålbinding – 12 variants] from 1983, since less stitch info/pages, but another find has been added.

Contains brief nålbinding history, other kinds of things that were common to nålbind, Swedish finds; the Åsle mitten [that one at the time thought was the oldest find in Sweden, but wasn’t correctly dated until 2002, see below: Att datera textilier, in Misc section, for more info.], the Vasa mitten (leather mitten with nålbound mitten inside). Descriptions and pattern for mittens (start from cuff and top) and sock (start from toe and cuff), as well as how to create ones own ptemplate for a mitten and sock. At the end of the leaflet there are also nålbinding terminology in Swedish, English, German, and Finnish, besides a literature list. See LIBRIS info here.

Note that there is also a reworked leaflet based on the one from 1983, that was published by Västmanlands läns hemslöjdsförbund, see below!
Nålbindning 12 varianter
/ Västmanlands läns hemslöjdsförbund (2001)
ISBN: 9163106701

= Nålbinding 12 variants

30 pages, stapled. Reworked version of the leaflet with the same name from 1983 by Berit Westman (see above), text by Anna karin Reimerson and illustrations by Ingelöv Åstrand. With step-by-step instructions, images and patterns to make mittens and socks, and info about nålbinding surveys in Västmanlands county conducted by Berit in the middle of the 1980s (see Hemslöjd:1985:5 for survey info, in coming Periodicals section).

Brief nålbinding history and about finds like the Swedish find, the Åsle mitten, that one at the time thought was the oldest in Sweden, but that wasn’t correctly dated until 2002, see below: Att datera textilier, in coming Misc section], that the Åsle stitch can be done in two different ways, where stitch F in the leaflet corresponds to one version of it. Describes 12 nålbinding stitches, labelled A to L, step by step instructions and images for how to make a mitten (start from cuff and top) and sock (start from toe and cuff), as well as how to create ones own template for a mitten and sock. Also contains image of work mittens and a “skotälingar”.
See LIBRIS info here.
Att Nålbinda – Ur ett historiskt perspektiv
/ Martina Petterson (2005)

= To nålbind – from a historical point of view

15 pages, leaflet. Focused on when, how and what one has done nålbinding through the ages and also includes a description of simple nålbinding stitches and pattern layouts for socks and mittens. The leaflet is available in different versions with small differences. Order direct from the author here
Nålbindning - the easiest, clearest guide ever ! Nålbindning - steg för steg
/ Nusse Mellgren (2005) ISBN: ??? (2008) ISBN: 9789163329746, 9163329743, (2014) 9163761920 & 9789163761928

Bi-lingual book in Swedish and english, with over 50 illustrations. So far there seems to be 4 editions. First and second edition has no red border at the top of the cover, and the publication title is at the top. Whereas the third and fourth edition has a text that tells which edition it is, and the publication title is in the middle of the cover image. The third edition also contains patterns/descriptions for how to make wrist warmers, socks and a sweater. The fourth edition also includes mittens. Order here (publisher), here & here (Sweden) or here (USA), and maybe also is available here & here (USA).
Asa design - Nålbindning för nybörjare
/ Åsa & Mia Höij (2006)

6 pages, leaflet. Brief history, about suitable yarn, with images on how to do a layup and important steps to practice as a beginner. Also is part of course material in courses held by the sisters.
Read more/order here.
Nålbindning - Historiskt och modernt i Stockholms län / Eva Anderson (2009)
ISBN: 9789163339622

= Nålbinding – Historical and modern in Stockholm county

56 sidor, hardback. Contains history about nålbinding then and now in Stockholm county, nålbinding variants that have existed in Södertörn, Västerby, Fullbro, Stutby, Norrtälje, Brottby och Södertjära, as well as how to make a modern mitten, decorative fringe, embroidery and round start. See LIBRIS info here.
Vinterblomster - nålbundna vantar från Dalby i Värmland
/ Elisabeth Jacks Svantesson (2011) ISBN: 978-91-633-9102-6

= Winterblossoms – nålbound mittens fråm Dalby in Värmland

?? pages, stapled. Gives insight into nålbinding history and has a general focus on the women in the upper part of the Klara river region of Värmland that was called Dalby, that with a rough needle and homespun yarn created mittens. This enabled many work opportunities for several generations, and beautifully embroidered mittens. Order here Interview here [in Swedish] with the layoutartist Anita Stjernlöf-Lund, that received an award for that the cover was the most beautiful in Värmland 2011!
Nålbindning - Nu och då
/ Kerstin Gustafsson (2015) ISBN: 9789188173188

= Nålbinding - Now and Then

92 pages, stapled. A book about nålbinding now and then, dedicated to enthusiasts as well as beginners that want to learn more about this technique that has been “forgotten” during a long time. Knowledge has been passed on from generation to generation, så nålbinders today are part of an important chain! [NB: Incorrect dating for the Åsle mitten, e.g. 1300s instead of 1500/1600s]. Order here (directly from the publisher), or via sellers listed here (Sweden)! If you live outside of Sweden, you can contact Kerstin here, to inquire whether possible to order directly from her.
Nålbindning - Handledning av Märta Brodén
/ Märta Brodén (1972) ISBN: 91-36-00153-8

= Nålbinding – Guidance by Märta Brodén

16 pages, leaflet. Drawings by Marie-Louise Huss. Contains brief info about shrinkage, patterns, technique, joining, adjustments, the workflow of the technique. Pattern/template for socks in child and adult size and mittens. Also fulling; by hand, brushing on side in machine, material, work order, afterfulling, shaping, rinsing, and washing. See LIBRIS info here.
BOOKS/LEAFLETS ..pattern focus..
Nålbindning - Handledning av Märta Brodén
/ Märta Brodén (1972) ISBN: 91-36-00153-8

= Nålbinding – Guidance by Märta Brodén

16 pages, leaflet. Drawings by Marie-Louise Huss. Contains brief info about shrinkage, patterns, technique, joining, adjustments, the workflow of the technique. Pattern/template for socks in child and adult size and mittens. Also fulling; by hand, brushing on side in machine, material, work order, afterfulling, shaping, rinsing, and washing. See LIBRIS info here.
Stickat & Virkat - en idébok
/ ICA-förlaget (1974) ISBN:..ingen?

= Knitted & Crocheted – an idea book

98 pages, hardbound. Foremost contains how to knit and crochet (also includes a short knitting and crocheting guide) mittens, socks, hats, shawls, scarves.. but also a pattern for “sömade vantar”, i.e. nålbound mittens.
100 Landskapsvantar
/ ICA-Kuriren (1981) s.46-47

= 100 province mittens

51 pages, stapled. A collection of 114 mittens from Swedish provinces that were the result of a competition in the Swedish magazine ICA-kuriren 1980/1981. Contains work descriptions for knitted, crocheted, felted, and two-end knitted such, and also an image of a nålbound mitten that mostly seems to be for inspiration since one is told to read Nålbindning by Märta Brodén “to learn this interesting yarn technique”. Another page spread on page 21 also seems to only serve as inspiration; 6 nålbound mittens and one pair of gloves are shown. There is no info regarding stitch type, only who who created them. Editor Gia Wiman-Ringquist, descriptions Gun Ferne and Ewa Johansson and photo P. C. Arctaedius.
Söma, nåla, binda - nålbundet från Uppland
/ Linnea Rothquist Ericsson, Anita Andersson, Håkan Liby & Olle Norling (2003) ISBN: 91-85 618-72-1

= Söma, nåla, binda – nålbound from Uppland

?? pages, hardbound. Söm(m)a, nåla and binda are old Swedish words for nålbinding. Contains work descriptions with images and illustrations for how to recreate 15 local finds (Nysätra, Börstil, Simtuna, Morkarla, Uppsala, Bålsta, Alsike, Vendel, Åland, Salsta & Rådmansö), where of 13 mittens, 1 hat and 1 sock (the so called Uppsala sock). Published by Upplandsmuseet [The Upland Museum] that used to sell it onsite in their shop in Oct 2016, but does not seem to be listed anymore in their webshop. See LIBRIS info here.
Sömade vantar från Spångmurs [häfte]
/ Louise Ström (2008) ISBN 13: 978-91-976343-4-2, ISBN 10: 91-976343-4-4 (ISBN kommer registreras snart)

= Sömade mittens from Spångmurs

33 pages, A5 format. Describes the basics in nålbinding for right and lefthanded and how to nålbind mittens and socks. Order here (directly from author), eller here & here (Sweden).
Sömade vantar från Spångmurs [CD]
/ Louise Ström (2008)

= Sömade mittens from Spångmurs

CD that contains the leaflet with the same name (see above), and also videos that show how to nålbind the first round, how to increase/decrease, join yarn, as well as two variations for one stitch. For right and lefthanded. It seems the author no longer offers it in their webshop here.
Fem nålbindningsmönster från Spångmurs
/ Louise Ström (????)

= Five nålbinding patterns from Spångmurs

?? pages, A5 format. Assumes you already can nålbind, and contains in total 5 pattern descriptions, including 2 types of hats and wristwarmers, mittens and headband. If not available in the author’s webshop here, it can be available as part of another leaflet, that is a combination of this leaflet + Sömade vantar från Spångmurs, or order here (Sweden).
Nålbindning från Spångmurs
/ Louise Ström (????)

= Nålbinding from Spångmurs

58 pages, A5 format. Nålbinding basics for both right and lefthanded. Includes descriptions of how to make mittens, hats, wristwarmers and headbands. Principle descriptions for socks, sweaters and shawls. New print of higher quality with more colour images, combining the previous leaflets “Sömade vantar från Spångmurs” and “Fem nålbindningsmönster från Spångmurs” (see above). Order here (directly from the author) or here.
Vikingatida klädedräkt - Nålbindning efter fynd
/ Susanna Broome & Iduna Sundarp (2016) ISBN: ?

= Viking age garb – Nålbinding based on finds

?? pages, stapled? The author’s blogpost [in Swedish] here! Also available in an English version. Order here (directly from the author), or via resellers, more info here!
..more info coming!
Nålbunden flätkant
/ Jannie Hasselby (????)

= Nålbound braided edge

?? pages, leaflet. About how to nålbind a braided edge. More paper versions will not be printed, but can be ordered as an e-booklet here in Danish or English.

Nålbinding Christmas Calendar 2016


The first nålbinding advent calendar featured 25 patterns. Later calendars were titled ”Nålbinding Advent Calendar”.


The patterns are available in four different languages. Below is a listing of the English versions.

Other languages available: Danish, German, Swedish.


Please click on name for respective pattern name to go to blog entry where they are hosted at naalebinding.blogspot.com, and on author name to see list of publications by them.

1 - Scandinavian Christmas Tree Heart
by Ingela Andersson

Fataburen 1917



Artikelnamn: Sydda vantar, s.71-78
Författare: Maria Collin
Utgivningsår: 1918
Förlag: Nordiska museet
Språk: Svenska
Publikationstyp: årsbok – 4 häften & 1 monografi
Digitaliserad: Ja


Utgiven 1918 av Nordiska museet, en årsbok innehållande museets sammansättning, men även vetenskapliga uppsatser/artiklar (läs mer här).

Innehåller artikeln “Sydda vantar” på sidorna 71-78, som alltså handlar om hur Maria kring 1915 fick se “karakteristisk handaslöjd” i Värmland, dvs nålbundna vantar och annat och beskriver vantar m.m. i Sverige och i andra länder. Redogör lite om tekniken med ett antal svartvita illustrationer, och även några av föremål/fynd.

Publicerad som 4 häften såväl som en inbunden monografi med ca 200 sidor(?). Artikeln må vara digitaliserad, men om du vill se detaljerna bättre i framförallt foton, så är bilderna i tryckta versionen bättre.

Finns tillgänglig på nätet via projekt Runeberg, här! (sammanfattning av mig på engelska kommer, så småningom)

Andra publikationer av Nordiska museet:



Article name: Sydda vantar [= sewn mittens], pp.71-78
Author: Maria Collin
Publication year: 1918
Language: Swedish
Publisher: Nordiska museet
Publication type: Yearbook – 4 leaflets & 1 monography
Digitised: Yes


Published 1918 by Nordiska museet, a yearbook containing the structure of the museum, but also scientific essays/articles (read more here [Swedish]).

Contains the article “Sydda vantar” (sown mittens), on the pages 71-78, that is about how Maria around 1915 saw “karakteristisk handaslöjd” (characteristic handicrafts) in Värmland, i.e. needlebound mittens and more. Also describes the technique with a number of black and white illustrations, and photos of items/finds.

Published as 4 leaflets as well as a bound monography with about 200 pages in total. While the article is digitised, if you want to see better details of above all photos, the printed version is the better option for that.

Available online via projekt Runeberg, here [in Swedish]! (summary in English by me, coming eventually)

Other publications by Nordiska museet:

Fataburen 1917, kulturhistorisk tidskrift

/ Maria Collin (1918) s.71-78

200 sidor totalt(?), inbunden. Även publicerad som 4 häften(?). Utgiven 1918 av Nordiska museet, en årsbok innehållande museets sammansättning, men även vetenskapliga uppsatser/artiklar (läs mer här). Innehåller artikeln “Sydda vantar” som alltså handlar om hur Maria kring 1915 fick se “karakteristisk handaslöjd” i Värmland, dvs nålbundna vantar och annat och beskriver vantar mm i Sverige och i andra länder. Redogör lite om tekniken med ett antal svartvita illustrationer, och även några av föremål/fynd.
Finns tillgänglig på nätet via projekt Runeberg, här! (sammanfattning på engelska kommer, så småningom)